Setting the standard

Initial Consultation
Our first meeting will involve a comprehensive psychiatric assessment following a biopsychosocial approach. I will cover all relevant aspects of your medical, psychiatric and personal history. At the end of the consultation I will aim to provide you with a clinical opinion, diagnosis and a clear treatment and management plan.
This consultation will usually last 1-2 hours.
Follow up review
Following the initial consultation we will organise to meet at appropriate intervals to review progress. Here we can revise the treatment plan and make medication changes. I understand that everyone has different expectations, so the pace and frequency of reviews will be entirely patient centred.
This review will usually last 30 to 50 minutes.

Always involving
Primary Care
Your general practitioner is central to your care and health management. Referrals and medication changes will typically go through your GP. This ensures safe, thorough and robust patient centred care. Rest assured information shared between your GP and I are entirely confidential, but absolutely necessary for safe and effective care.
I will typically aim to provide you and your GP a copy of my clinic letter electronically within a few days, thereby ensuring timely communication and treatment changes. Those eligible will also benefit from free prescriptions, avoiding unnecessary medication costs.