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Quality assured

Patient April 2022

I visited Dr Mahanta after suffering an awful year of depression and anxiety during which l lost all faith with the NHS, the limited access to psychiatric services and ever increasing medications that were not helping. During my first appointment I found Dr Mahanta engaging and quick to grasp a real understanding of my situation. He reviewed my NHS prescribed medications, changed my prescription to a drug he felt would get to the root of my problems and recommended a course of psychotherapy. What a difference - within days I felt so much better! I know these things are supposed to take weeks if not months but honestly for me it was that quick. I feel almost back to my old self, am extremely grateful to Dr Mahanta and would recommend him to anyone with a similar experience to me.

Patient May 2022

Dr Mahanta’s experience, expertise and professionalism is very apparent in the approach he is taking with my care.  Combining this with his kindness and a thoughtful, considered and holistic approach to my care instils within me a sense of hope that I will get through what is proving to be the most challenging, complex and distressing period of my life.  Dr Mahanta (with my permission) has taken the time to speak to the other medical professionals involved in my care as well as with my family, thus ensuring that there is unity in the support I receive from them.   Additionally, I have always found it difficult to completely put my trust in other people, but I absolutely do trust Dr Mahanta.  I therefore have no hesitation in recommending Dr Mahanta for those seeking psychiatric support.

Patient June 2022

I had been visiting a previous psychiatrist at the Priory for some considerable time but found that my anxiety was not improving.
I needed help and was recommended  to Dr Mahanta.
From the start i felt reassured and progressively improved. Initially it was a little up and down but eventually I found a definite improvement in my anxious condition and to date I am gradually getting back to my old self with the aid of Dr Mahanta.

Patient September 2022

Dr Mahanta has been very reassuring during our consultations. We have found him to offer clinical advice which takes account of our individual circumstances. He is happy to listen to both our needs and our preferences towards treatment which makes us feel like we are making good progress towards our goals whilst remaining in control of that process.

We would definitely recommend him to other patients.

Patient April 2023

I was referred to Dr Mahanta due to my periods of severe anxiety and depression. I was soon impressed by his incisive questions regarding my condition and very sympathetic approach.

This impression has been further reinforced during subsequent visits.  He has carefully evaluated my prescribed treatment and modified it accordingly, always explaining the rationale behind any change in medication.

I am still seeing Dr Mahanta approximately every 3 weeks and have every confidence in the treatment that I am still receiving.

more reviews to follow


The Lodge, Priory Hospital Ticehurst House, High St, Ticehurst, Wadhurst TN5 7HU

Tel: 01580 202205


Clinic Hours:

Tuesday 10am - 4.30pm


Thank you for making contact! We will be in touch shortly

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